freeze dried skittles

Is Freeze Drying the Same as Dehydration? Candy Innovations

Freeze-dried and dehydrated candies are often confused to be one and the same. However, they have different characteristics.

As a candy lover, you might wonder how to freeze-dry candy to get the crispy and crunchy texture in the final product.

You might also ask if the same results can be achieved with dehydration.

We have covered all the important factors below to help you understand the differences between freeze-drying and dehydration.

The Freeze-Drying Process

Freeze-drying is a popular technique that candy makers use to produce a variety of flavor-rich candy batches.

These candies are light and crispy and contain the natural nutrients of the fruits used to make them.

If you search for where to buy freeze-dried candy near me, you may find plenty of options to choose from.

Today, we will dive deeper into the freeze-drying method to help you differentiate it from dehydration.

The Process

Freeze-drying is a complex process that involves freezing the candies first and (then) removing the moisture by sublimation.

Sublimation allows the water content to directly transition from solid state (ice) to vapors without passing through the liquid stage.

Candy makers use special equipment to achieve this goal.

The freeze-drying machine can vary in terms of specifications, sizes, and efficiency. You can explore popular models online to analyze how they function.

Final Result

When traditional candies are subjected to freeze-drying, the moisture undergoes sublimation without altering their original shape.

The final product has the same candy structure but a light and crispy texture. The lighter and crunchier texture is due to water removal that contains high amounts of sugar.

Moreover, the color of the original candy remains the same after the freeze-drying process.

If you explore candy stores with freeze-dried batches and compare them with their original counterparts, you can notice the highlighted texture changes yourself.

Quality Retention

Freeze-dried candies are relatively better in terms of their quality and nutritional value.

When foods are stored at lower temperatures, they retain their nutritional value and stay fresh for as long as you need.

The same formula applies to candies in the freeze-drying process.

The process preserves the candy’s quality, making it a healthier product than traditional candies.


The freeze-drying process is used for a variety of purposes. Professionals use it to preserve foods like vegetables, fruits, meats, and candies for the long term.

This popular technique is also used for producing astronaut food and camping meals.

The Dehydration Process

Dehydration is a common technique used in industries and private settings to remove moisture from a particular product.

This process involves heat to dry the moisture content from foods.

Here are the details of dehydration to help you compare the differences with freeze-drying.

The Process

Dehydration is the process of removing water from foods by applying heat. Experts perform this procedure using various methods.

The most common ones include sun drying, air drying, and using specialized equipment called dehydrators.

The result of dehydration may not be the same as freeze-drying.

Although both methods aim for the same goal, the different paths of action can introduce specific changes in the final product.

Final Result

Since dehydration involves heat interactions for drying out the water content, the final product can have an altered chemical structure, shape, and texture.

For instance, when candies are dehydrated, they become chewy or leathery instead of crispy and light. Moreover, the heat used in the process can lead to other changes.

The candies may lose their color, flavor, and nutritional content due to heat exposure.

It is one of the reasons why freeze-drying is the most preferred method for removing moisture from candies.

Quality Retention

In terms of quality, dehydration falls behind freeze-drying due to the losses incurred during heat exposure.

When candies are subjected to heat, they lose their originality, making them a new product that may not suit those aiming for nutritional gains.

Dehydration is not recommended for foods that are sensitive to heat exposure.


Despite its flaws, dehydration is a common method to remove water content from various foods.

Experts use this method to preserve fruits, vegetables, herbs, and meats. Moreover, dehydration is commonly used to make dried fruits, beef jerky, and dried herbs.

Which Technique is More Suitable for Candies?

Based on the characteristics of both techniques, the ideal method for removing moisture from candies is freeze-drying.

This technique aims to preserve the original chemical structure of the candy and hold the flavor and nutrients together in the process.

The final product has a light and crunchy texture with no loss of flavor.

Plus, you can use freeze-dried candy in various dessert recipes based on its flavor profile and crispy texture. Here are a few reasons to consider freeze-drying for candies:

Preservation of Flavor and Texture

Freeze drying helps preserve the original candy flavor and texture. The low temperatures used in the process help retain the volatile compounds that contribute to the candy’s taste.

Retention of Natural Color

When subjected to freeze-drying, candy retains its original color and gives a vibrant final product.

The visually appealing and tempting texture makes freeze-drying an ideal solution to remove moisture from a candy.

Longer Shelf Life

Freeze-dried candies have a longer shelf life than their traditional counterparts.

They lack moisture, which disrupts the candy’s chemical structure and overall shape when left unconsumed for longer periods.

A Healthier Option

Is freeze-dried candy healthier?

The answer is yes. If you compare it with traditional candy, freeze-dried candy is a healthier option due to the retention of nutrients in the final product.

Versatile Use

Freeze-dried candies can be used in various recipes due to their light and crunchy texture.

Based on your preferences, you can use them as toppings in ice creams, cakes, muffins, blizzards, and beverages.

The Takeaway

The above information highlights everything you need to know about freeze-drying and dehydration.

Both techniques have the same goal, but they accomplish it differently.

If you need freeze-dried candies in various rich flavors, Evolved Freeze Dried Candy can be your go-to candy store.

Explore our website and place your order today.

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